"I'd rather developers sell fewer than a million downloads and get to a million dollars," said Brandon Watson, Director of Developer Experience for Windows Phone 7 with Microsoft at a press briefing in Helsinki. Instead of the free and $0.99 model other app stores apply, Redmond will support higher prices on mobile-phone applications.
"If we can support a higher price point that’s good for developers", he continued. Microsoft wanted to differentiate the Windows Phone Marketplace from the very beginning and is continuously trying to better other platforms' app stores by offering quality instead of quantity. This can't always be controlled and every app store will have plenty of "useless" apps; trying to keep the number as low as possible can be done though.
Talking about Nokia, the Finnish company working on is its own app store for Windows Phone 7. Espoo and Redmond have joined forces in convincing Symbian developers to write applications for Microsoft's platform. The Nokia Marketplace (Ovi Store?) "will look slightly different on the phone from the one that’s for all the other vendors, and they will have more control over the merchandising," he said.
As far as Mango is concerned, Watson stated that Microsoft has announced most of the more exciting features coming in the platform refresh but there will be several other exciting stuff unveiled soon. We can expect a demo and announcement of face-recognition software and voice dictation for messages features soon.
Source: pocketnow.com
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