Microsoft is allegedly working on validating a fix, according to a tweet, for Windows Phones that are stuck and can't receive new updated due to the ChevronWP7.Updater used to force the update to NoDo.
To refresh your memory, Chris Walsh of the Chevron Team wrote a custom homebrew updater which helped install the latest ROM to Windows Phones. Following that, Microsoft seriously warned about using this method and Chris Walsh pulled the ChevronWP7.Updater with Microsoft officially explaining the risks of using it.
In a recent Windows Phone Developer Blog post, Brandon Watson explained the reason for "Walshed" smartphones ending up stuck, unable to update and returning an error 80180048. These Windows Phones were artificially put in a "changed" state instead of an "updated" state -- in which only officially updated Windows Phones get by applying platform refreshes via the only supported way, Zune. For the tech enthusiasts, you can read the entire post by following the source link below.
Looks like the very people who unintentionally broke things are determined to fix them -- hats off! -- and, according to a recent ChevronWP7 Team tweet, Microsoft is working on validating their fix. This would allow all "Walshed" Windows Phone users to get back on track and receive the 7392 update -- and eventually the Mango update to come later this year.
Microsoft and Chevron working together is a great sign of community orientation from both teams -- not that we had any doubts about the Chevron Team -- and who else could check to see whether the fix is actually capable of ironing out issues than the ones behind the system themselves. Fingers crossed!
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